Hello there.

My name is Grace Bonds. I'm a frontend web developer based in Philadelphia.

My Skills

My work combines creativity and curiosity with efficiency and organization. I'm a open-minded learner who loves improving on old and new ideas. Below are some of my top skills.

Hard Skills

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Git
  • Bootstrap

Soft Skills

  • Growth Mindset
  • Change Management
  • Cross-team Communication
  • Documentation Nerd

About Me

Profile picture of Grace on hiking trail

My work history includes but is not limited to: a global travel startup, an art museum, and a very delicious bagel shop. I have a background in languages, art, and cultural tourism.

Outside of work, I obsess over food, coffee, and my obscenely cute dog. To offset the eating and over-caffeination, I enjoy hiking, fixing up my house, and volunteering my time with local organizations.

Let's connect.